Fabric of Saint Peter
For general information:
Tel: 06.69883462 - 06.69883731
These numbers are not dedicated to providing information or assistance regarding tickets and online bookings.
To contact the parish priest:
Email: parroco@basilicasanpietro.va
Parish Office
For sacrament celebration requests:
Tel: 06.69885435, email: ufficioparrocchiale@basilicasanpietro.va
Reception Office
For information on Basilica accessibility, Testimonium, and other general inquiries:
Tel: 06.69881875, email: accoglienza@fsp.va
Office of Liturgical Celebrations
For requests related to liturgical celebrations:
Email: celebrazioni@fsp.va
Guided Tours Necropolis and Basilica
For guided tours of the Necropolis and the Basilica:
Tel: 06.69885318, email: visiteguidate@fsp.va
Mosaic Studio
For information about the Mosaic Studio's activities or client requests:
Tel: 06.69883172, email: mosaico.vaticano@fsp.va
Historical Archive of the Fabric
For researchers interested in accessing documents held in the archive:
Tel: 06.69885470, email: archiviofsp@fsp.va
Historical Archive of the Chapter
For researchers interested in accessing documents held in the archive:
Tel: 06.69884556, email: archiviostorico@capitolosp.va
Institutional Communication Office
For requests related to recordings, interviews, and media projects:
Email: comunicazioneistituzionale@fsp.va
Office for External Relations and Institutional Affairs
Email: relazioniistituzionali@fsp.va
Fratelli Tutti Foundation
School of Arts and Crafts
For information about the School of Arts and Crafts:
Email: scuola.artiemestieri@fsp.va