Welcome to the St Peter's Basilica website,
On this page you will find quick links to opening hours and celebrations in the Basilica, info for planning your arrival and your guided or self-guided tour to the many places of interest in St Peter's. Upon entering St Peter's you will discover the building that is the heart of Christianity. Here rest the remains of the Apostle Peter, here you will find the tombs of popes and the relics of many saints: we ask you to respect this place of pilgrimage and prayer with silence and to immerse yourself in contemplation of the beauty that surrounds you.
You will find the Sanpietrini staff ready to welcome you in the Basilica: ask them if you need information and for any other need. Here you can find the information to access to the Basilica, also for people with disabilities.
Remember that if you are a pilgrim you have quick access to the Basilica through the Prayer Path. The route starts from the obelisk in St Peter's Square, where the "Percorso Oranti" (Prayer Path) sign is.
As a pilgrim you can also collect the Testimonium: find out more here.
After the visit stay in touch with the Basilica and read our news. Experience St. Peter's with us, we are waiting for you!