In the context of the climate crisis and in implementation of the teaching of the Holy Father Francis, who has repeatedly encouraged the international community to take concrete actions aimed at achieving “zero net emissions” of greenhouse gases as soon as possible, also in view of the Glasgow Climate Conference (COP26), the Fabric of Saint Peter has launched a “Zero Emissions” project with the aim of bringing Saint Peter’s Basilica and the complex of buildings pertaining to it to achieve “zero net emissions”, on the path towards the 2025 Jubilee.
On the instructions of the President of the Fabric of Saint Peter, His Eminence Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, the project is being conducted in collaboration with a Scientific Committee that will evaluate the best methodologies for collecting and processing data, together with the implementation of priority actions starting from the executive design models and operational manuals for the implementation of these actions, taking care of the monitoring, reporting and certification of results.
The project objectives to reduce the environmental footprint will be prioritized: starting with the collection of data on material flows and greenhouse gas generating sources in the “project perimeter” (direct emissions, indirect emissions from purchased electricity generation, heating, cooling, other indirect supply chain emissions), up to the design and implementation of priority structural and management actions.
The “Zero Emissions” project will review the existing operating manuals in order to strive for the management optimization of internal organizational processes, providing for the development of information tools to support pilgrims and visitors and paying particular attention to the logistics of the flow of people entering the Basilica every day. The “best practices” identified and adopted will also be made available to the ecclesial realities that wish to achieve sustainability objectives consistent with Agenda 2030.
The Committee is composed of: Sr. Helen Alford, O.P., Professor Enrico Alleva, Professor Vincenzo Balzani, Professor Leonardo Becchetti, Professor Federico Maria Butera, Professor Matteo Giuliano Caroli, Professor Maurizio Decastri, Professor Gianluigi De Gennaro, Professor Francesco De Leonardis, Dr. Walter Ganapini (coordinator), Professor Mauro Magatti, Professor Roberto Morabito PhD, Professor Antonello Pasini, Professor Architect Chiara Tonelli PhD, Dr. Giovanni Pingitore (Secretary).
In the first instance, the Committee’s work is divided into the following thematic areas: collection and processing of environmental data and input/output flows within the perimeter of Saint Peter’s Basilica, identification of objectives and consequent structural/technological/managerial/logistical interventions, economic/financial/legal analysis of interventions and project internalization scenarios, validation of the preliminary and executive design of priority interventions, organizational set-up, reporting strategies and tools, and the certification and communication of project results.